Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Somewhere to collect recipes that worked

Mission Statement:

I sincerely love food. Simple, good, home-cooked, food that anyone anywhere could make and enjoy. However there are some "food" things which I hate, like margarine (I didn't even know how to spell that), artificial sweeteners, low fat nonsense which adds chemicals or sugars  make up for the taste, and I really enjoy butter, a lot. I prefer fresh since it really is the best, but there are all kinds of examples of things that are just as good in a frozen variety when prepared the right way.  I have no professional culinary training, unless you want to count my two summers working in the kitchen of Boston Pizza (trust me, it doesn't count), my mom taught me the basics as I was growing up and was a saint of a mother for letting me try all kinds of cooking experiments in the kitchen, even though I am pretty sure I almost never did the dishes after*. I was also lucky to get to live with one excellent cook in university who taught me the extra little steps that can really make something special.

Some of the recipes I try are from cook books I own, have been given, or made up on my own; Others will be based on dishes I try in restaurants then try and copy; Some will be from cooking shows, I love Masterchef Australia and Top Chef America and Canada, and others will be from my imagination because sometimes after watching thirty or so hours of Disney movies and then watching Waitress (2007, with Keri Russel) weird recipes come to life in my head. Imagination should always be put to use.

Oh I also promise to try and make all these recipes as easy to follow as possible, because I to plan to reuse them all and it would be terribly tragic if I couldn't understand my recipes**.

Also I promise that everything I put here worked out really well for me and was tested on at least one other human being for taste and enjoyment. Usually my lovely husband to be will be the other guinea pig.

Foot Notes:

*Mom's should make children wash their dishes more often, it is still a massive chore and effort for me to wash dishes.

**My mother also has about two hundred or so recipes in books or boxes at her house, but she can't use any of them because she only listed the ingredients. For all of them.

Finally I Love my Mom very much! You can only tease nicely when it is backed by love.

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